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Tunic Dress
BlackAquaViva MagentaRoyal BlueCamelBurgandyWhiteOysterDenim PrintMulti Grey PrintMulti Red PrintIvoryRoyal White Print+ 10 more
Angled Tank Top
BlackViva MagentaAubergineAquaMidnight NavyIvoryMandarin OrangeRoyal BlueCoralTealVenice PrintBrownCharcoal GreyMulti Red PrintMulti Grey PrintBerryBordeauxRoyal White Print+ 15 more
Any-wear Cardigan
Charcoal GreyAubergineBrownBlackBordeauxIvory+ 3 more
Classic Pant
BlackBerryBordeauxGreyIvoryRoseAubergineVenice PrintMulti Grey PrintDenim PrintMandarin OrangeRose PrintStripe Flower Print+ 10 more
Crop Tights
BlackIvoryRoyal BlueMidnight NavyViva MagentaRoseCoralRedMulti Grey Print+ 6 more
Extender / Mini Skirt
BlackCharcoal GreyBrownCoralCognacBurgandyDenim PrintAubergineRose+ 6 more

After a decade of fine-tuning our Code Vitesse Collections, we recognise select styles as true staples. Inspired by our foundation of comfort, convenience, style and desire for timeless sophistication.

The Versatile Basics Kit consists of key pieces that can easily be mixed and matched to create countless outfits for jet-setting, work, social gatherings, and everyday life.