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Aline Dress (Midi)
BlackMandarin OrangeTealOysterCharcoal GreyLilacMidnight NavyStripe Flower PrintVenice PrintBerryCognac+ 8 more
Aline Dress (short)
BlackAquaMidnight NavyCharcoal GreyOysterMandarin OrangeRoseIvoryCognacOliveRoyal White Print+ 8 more
Versailles Dress
WhiteMandarin OrangeBlackBordeauxAubergineBrownMidnight NavyCharcoal GreyOlive+ 6 more
Anywear Dress
BlackBordeauxTealCharcoal Grey+ 1 more
Lantern Dress
TealRedRoyal White PrintRoseBlackMidnight Navy+ 3 more
Flare Dress
BlackBerryVenice PrintAubergineGreyAquaMidnight NavyBordeauxCognacMulti Grey PrintRoyal White PrintRoyal BlueStripe Flower Print+ 10 more
Barcelona Dress
BlackCoralAquaGrey+ 1 more
Carmel Dress
£38.00 £79.00 Sale
TealMulti Grey PrintGreyWhite+ 1 more
Angled Dress
BlackRedRoyal BlueBerryGreyViva MagentaBurgandyIvoryAubergineIce Blue+ 7 more

Made with Pride in Canada

Experience Code Vitesse | Elegant Styles for Women | Effortlessly Flattering Fits | Wrinkle Resistant Fabric | Timeless Style | Breathable Design. 

Designer Dresses, Tops, Tunics, Pants, Skirts and more - Travel Friendly Designs that Combine Classic Styles with a Modern Edge.