Tracey Baker, Owner of Zuzu Fashion Boutique and longtime Code Vitesse Retail Partner, discusses her journey to fashion retail and the role Code Vitesse plays in her success.

"A new challenge and my passion for fashion drove me to purchase ZuZu in 2015 when the opportunity came along. While my career had been firmly rooted in Toronto’s corporate world for over 20 years, I was part of the ZuZu staff from 2012 and loved the experience of helping a woman discover her own expression of beauty, confidence and style.

Having grown up in Barrie, I am thrilled to be back and proud to own this charming boutique in our beautiful downtown where my family and I currently call home.

ZuZu Fashion Boutique in downtown Barrie, Ontario was the first retailer to offer the Code Vitesse line. That was in the summer of 2014. As the shop owner, I can say that our customers loved it from Day One and they continue to update their collections with each new season. The new designs are always fresh, thoughtful and oh-so-wearable. And the versatility makes it relevant for all ages and body types. Bridal, travel, business or social, our customers wear it for all occasions. It truly is Any-Wear, Every-Wear and I am very proud to include the incredible Code Vitesse line in my shop. And my staff and I love it too!

September 25, 2018 — Iram Sheikh